Service Quality of Kerry Express Parcel Service Company in the View of Online Retailers


  • Woraphon Rodjeungprasert Business Administration Major, KasemBundit University
  • Chinnaso Visitnitikija Lecturer in KasemBundit University


Service quality, Online product retailers, Kerry Company


The purposes of this study were to determine the service quality, the level of consumer service satisfaction, comparison of consumer service satisfaction classified by personal information, and to study the relationship between service quality and service satisfaction. The population of this study was online retailers. The sample was 400 subjects of online products retailers. A questionnaire was employed for data collection and analyzed data in statistic application of percentage, mean, t-test, F-test, One-way ANOVA, multiple correlation, and multiple regression analysis. Findings indicated that overall pictures of the opinions on service quality and service satisfaction of Kerry Express Parcel Service Company were at a high level. The different personal of ages and levels of education affected consumer service satisfaction differently. Service quality correlated with consumer service satisfaction in service equity (r=0.610), adequate service (r=0.531), continuous service (r =0.502), on time service (r = 0.499), and progressive service (r =0.464), respectively. The service quality of parcel service in consumer trust (β = 0.380), consumer responsiveness (β = 0.234), knowing and understanding your consumers (β = 0.226), and tangible service (β = 0.126) influenced consumer service satisfaction statistically significant at .01 level.


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How to Cite

Rodjeungprasert, W. ., & Visitnitikija, C. . (2020). Service Quality of Kerry Express Parcel Service Company in the View of Online Retailers. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(2), 35–44. retrieved from



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