The Study of Tourists’ Motivation towards Restaurant Service: A Case Study of Restaurant Service in Mahasarakham Province


  • Ochanya Buatham Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mahasarakham University


Pull factors, Gastronomy Tourist, Restaurant


The purpose of this research was to study the tourists’ motivation toward restaurant services: a case study of restaurant service in Mahasarakham province. The sample group of the study included 400 Thai tourists who used the service in local restaurants in 4 districts of Mahasarakham Province; Mueang Mahasarakham, Kantharawichai , Wapi Pathum and Kae Dam. This research is a quantitative research and the data were collected by using questionnaires. Quota sampling method was used in this study. The researcher collected the data from Thai tourists In 4 areas as mentioned, 100 tourists in each area. Statistics used for data analysis are descriptive statistics, mean, and standard deviation. The motivation that affects the use of restaurants in Mahasarakham province is at moderate level in overall. The motivation of demand for having food with friends, relatives or family (Social) is at the highest level, following with the demand for cheap or budget food (Budget), the demand for food that has the combination between ingredients and style (Eclectic). The Motivation that affects the use of restaurant service in Mahasarakham Province is at a high level in overall. The highest mean of the motivation of using service in restaurants based on the quality of food is the taste, based on the environment is the service and the tourists’ motivation of choosing the restaurant based on food are appearance and food decoration.


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How to Cite

Buatham, O. (2020). The Study of Tourists’ Motivation towards Restaurant Service: A Case Study of Restaurant Service in Mahasarakham Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(2), 137–146. retrieved from



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