The Development of Chinese Learning Activities in Pinyin Reading Skills by using Hunter's Learning Activities Model for Mathayomsuksa 2 Students


  • Waraporn Jandum Faculty of Education,Maha sarakham Rajabhat University
  • Aran Suykaduang Faculty of Education,Maha sarakham Rajabhat University
  • Natthachai Chanthachum Faculty of Education,Maha sarakham Rajabhat University


Pinyin Reading, Hunter's Teaching Techniques, Pinyin reading skills


The objective of this research were to: 1) Study learning activities in Pinyin reading skills in Chinese language by using Hunter's Learning Activities Model for Mathayomsuksa 2 students 2) Develop learning activities of Pinyin reading skills in Chinese language by using Hunter's Learning Activities Model (it is effective as 75/75) and 3) Compare Pinyin reading skills in Chinese language and learning achievement in the Chinese subject with percentage 75%. The tools used in the study included: 1) 12 Lesson plans 2) Pinyin reading test and 3) Achievement tests in Pinyin reading skills. Statistics used in the study were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The statistics that were used in the statistical hypothesis testing is Hotelling’s T2. The research results were : 1) Guidelines for organizing teaching and learning activities consisted 3 parts (teaching content, showing and examining for understanding) and 7 steps in teaching and learning activities (the process of determining the objectives , the preparation stage to enter the lesson, the standard of learning that needs to be given to the student, the teaching process, the implementation step by the teacher supervising closely, summary of lessons and procedures for acting alone. 2) Learning activities were appropriate at the highest level with efficiency 76.69 / 78.46, higher than the standard 75/75. 3) Pinyin reading skills and Chinese language learning achievement higher than the 75 percent criteria, with statistical significance at .05 level


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How to Cite

Jandum, W. ., Suykaduang , A. ., & Chanthachum, N. . (2020). The Development of Chinese Learning Activities in Pinyin Reading Skills by using Hunter’s Learning Activities Model for Mathayomsuksa 2 Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(1), 27–38. retrieved from



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