The Quality of Graduate Students asThai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, SawanpracharukNakhonsawan


  • รพีพรรณ วิบูลย์วัฒนกิจ Boromarajonani Nursing College Sawan Pracharak Nakhon Sawan
  • พีระ เรืองฤทธิ์ Boromarajonani Nursing College Sawan Pracharak Nakhon Sawan


Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, The Quality of Graduate Students, Graduate Students


This descriptive research aimed to study the quality of graduate studentsasThai Qualifications Framework for Higher Educationfor Graduate students of Boromarajonani Nursing College, Sawanpracharak, Nakhonsawan and compare the quality of graduates according to the perception of graduates classified by the level of service. The samples were primary supervisors of graduates who graduated in the academic year 2016. The research instruments were the quality of graduates according to the National Higher Education Qualifications Framework. Data analysis was calculated by percentage, mean, standard deviation. And compare by using One way Anova.The results of the study found that: 1) Graduate quality according to the standard of higher education qualifications in nursing science Overall at a high level when considering each aspect Found that the skills, interpersonal relationships and responsibilities With the highest mean at a high level , followed by moral and ethical With the average level at a high level and the least average aspect is knowledge With a high average 2) Compare the quality of graduates according to the National Higher Education Qualifications Framework according to the level of service There was significant difference the skills in interpersonal relationships and responsibilities at the level of .05


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How to Cite

วิบูลย์วัฒนกิจ ร., & เรืองฤทธิ์ พ. (2019). The Quality of Graduate Students asThai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, SawanpracharukNakhonsawan. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(3), 216–226. retrieved from



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