The NCPO Government's Policy on Human Rights Violations and the Perspectives of People in Ban Chat Rabiap, Lup Lao Subdistrict, Phu Phan District, Sakon Nakhon Province: A Case Study of Disputes on Land and Forest Rights


  • กิตติยา วงศ์ศรีชา College of Politics and Governance , Mahasarakham University
  • อลงกรณ์ อรรคแสง Faculty of Politics and Governance College of Politics and Governance , Mahasarakham University


Government policy, human rights, poverty


The purposes of research are to study the announcement and the order of the National Council for Peace and Order in 2014-2017 that violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and to study the perspectives of people who have been violated human rights in the dimension of land and forest rights of people in Ban Chat Rabiap, Lup Lao Subdistrict, Phu Phan District, Sakon Nakhon Province. The data was collected by using the in-depth interview methods and documentary research. The result found that there are many announcements and orders of the National Council for Peace and Order in 2014-2017 that violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and forest rehabilitation policy; they affected the villagers of Ban Chat Rabiap, Lup Lao Subdistrict, Phu Phan District, Sakon Nakhon Province in terms of income and property, mental state and social power.


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How to Cite

วงศ์ศรีชา ก., & อรรคแสง อ. (2019). The NCPO Government’s Policy on Human Rights Violations and the Perspectives of People in Ban Chat Rabiap, Lup Lao Subdistrict, Phu Phan District, Sakon Nakhon Province: A Case Study of Disputes on Land and Forest Rights. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(3), 77–84. retrieved from



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