Service Innovation Towards Customers 'Decision for Staying in Boutique Hotels in the Northeast of Thailand


  • Pathomporn Srimanee Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mahasarakham University
  • Nantana Ooncharoen Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mahasarakham University


Service Innovation, production innovation, process innovation


This research aims 1) to study the service innovation of hotels in Northeast of Thailand and 2) to determine the important factors of service innovation affecting on costumers' making decision to stay in hotels in this region. Technically, research was carried out by using quantitative questionnaire. This tool was applied with 400 costumer samples from 20 boutique hotels to consequently acquire the general information. Statistically, values of averaged percentage and standard deviation, Multiple Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis were used in order to investigate hypothesis in this research. The results found that: 1) the customers have opinions on service Innovation of the boutique hotels in the northeastern region as a whole and the aspect is at a high level. 2) Service innovation on production innovation, which affects the decision to stay in boutique hotels in the northeastern region, are 3 factors, namely, creating diversity, affecting the presentation of hotel products, and services and service improvements with statistical significance at the level of 0.05. Service innovation on process innovation, which affects the decision to stay in boutique hotels in the northeast region, are 2 factors, namely, improving work processes, and product support and service operation with statistical significance at the level of 0.05


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How to Cite

Srimanee, P. ., & Ooncharoen, N. . (2020). Service Innovation Towards Customers ’Decision for Staying in Boutique Hotels in the Northeast of Thailand. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(1), 159–171. retrieved from



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