The Development of Analytical Thinking Skills and Learning Achievement on the Materials of Primary Student’s 4 Level Using Graphical Technique.


  • อนันต์ธชัย คำหาญ คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสกลนคร
  • พิทักษ์ วงษ์ชาลี Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajiabhat University
  • ถาดทอง ปานศุภวัชร Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajiabhat University


Graphical Technique, Analytical Thinking Skills, Learning Achievement


The purposes of this research were to: 1) In order to develop and explore the efficiency of learning about by using graphic techniques on the materials to achieve efficiency based on criteria. 2) Compare the student’s analytical thinking skills of before and after in primary student’s 4 level. 3) Compare the student’s learning achievement of before and after in primary student’s 4 level. and 4) Study the scarification of primary student’s 4 level toward to the learning management using Graphical technique. The sample used in this research was 17 students who were studying in primary student’s 4 level of second semester of the academic year 2018 at Ban Nayo School. The cluster random sampling was used in this research. Research material included learning plan was used the Graphical techniques for five lesson plans, Analytical Thinking Skills Test, Learning Achievement Test, and a satisfaction test. The percentage, mean, standard deviation, efficiency value (E1/E2) and t-test for dependent samples was used in this research. The result showed that: 1) The efficiency of lesson plans using graphical technique on the materials around efficiency of 79.27/78.07 which was higher than the set criteria, 2) The analytical thinking skills and learning achievement after learning using Graphical technique were statistically higher than before learning at the .01 level of statistical significance, and The satisfaction of primary student’s 4 level toward to learning through on the Using Graphical technique was at the which was at high level.

Author Biography

พิทักษ์ วงษ์ชาลี, Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajiabhat University

The purposes of this research were to: 1) In order to develop and explore the efficiency of learning about by using Graphic Techniques on the materials to achieve efficiency based on criteria 75/75. 2) Compare the student’s analytical thinking skills and learning achievement of before and after of grade IV students and 3) Study the satisfaction of grade IV students toward to the learning management by using Graphical Technique. The sample used in this research were 17 students who were studying in grade IV of second semester of the academic year 2018 at Ban Nayo School. The cluster random sampling was used in this research. Research instrument included 5 learning plans, Analytical Thinking Skills test (rtt = 0.87), Learning Achievement test (rtt = 0.84), and a Satisfaction Assessment (rα = 0.78). The percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test for dependent samples was used in this research. The result showed that: 1) The efficiency of lesson plans by using Graphical Technique on the materials around efficiency of 79.27/78.07 which was higher than the set criteria, 2) The analytical thinking skills and learning achievement after learning by using Graphical Technique were statistically higher than before learning at the .01 level of statistical significance, and 3) The satisfaction of grade IV students toward to learning through on the using Graphical Technique was at the which was at high level.


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How to Cite

คำหาญ อ., วงษ์ชาลี พ., & ปานศุภวัชร ถ. (2019). The Development of Analytical Thinking Skills and Learning Achievement on the Materials of Primary Student’s 4 Level Using Graphical Technique. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(3), 128–138. retrieved from



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