Developing Guideline to Enhance Team Working Competency of Teachers,


  • วีรดนย์ หอมทอง คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม
  • ประสาท เนืองเฉลิม Mahasarakham University


Developing Guideline, Enhance Teachers’ Competency, Team Working


This research aimed to 1) study the indicators of components of teachers’ team working, 2) study the current state and desirable state of teachers’ competency in team working under the secondary educational service area office 25, 3) develop the guideline to enhance competency of teacher, under the secondary educational service area office 25. This research has 3 phases, the first phase: study the indicators of components of teachers’ team working. the second phase: study the current state and desirable state of teachers’ team working competency, used the current state and desirable state questionnaire to collected data from 350 teachers in 50 schools under the secondary educational service area office 25 (7 teachers per school) by simple random sampling, and the third phase: develop the guideline of teachers’ team working competency. Descriptive statistics used in this research were average, standard deviation and modified priority needs index. The results of research were found: 1) The indicators of components of teachers’ team working including 5 components 32 indicators. 2) The current state and desirable state of teachers’ team working competency of school under the secondary educational service area office 25 were found. Overall of the current state was at moderate level, and overall of the desirable state was at high level. 3) The enhance teachers’ team working competency guidelines included 5 components 27 indicators and 64 guidelines. The suitability assessment and the possibility assessment were both at high level.


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How to Cite

หอมทอง ว., & เนืองเฉลิม ป. (2019). Developing Guideline to Enhance Team Working Competency of Teachers,. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(3), 149–157. retrieved from



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