The Development of Program for Developing Early Childhood Teacher on Whole Language Approach for Schools under Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2


  • กุลจิราภรณ์ ศิวะกรภูริหิรัญ Graduate Student, Educational Administration and Development, Mahasarakham University
  • ธัชชัย จิตรนันท์ Assistant Professor Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University


Experience Management, Whole Language, Program for Early Childhood Teacher Development


The objectives of this research were : 1) to study the elements and indicators of Early Childhood Teacher Development on Whole Language Approach for Schools 2) to study current state and desirable state of Early Childhood Teacher Development on Whole Language Approach for Schools and 3) to offer the program for developing Early Childhood Teacher on Whole Language Approach for Schools under Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Research and Development used 3-phase process; phase 1: studying of elements and indicators of Early Childhood for Schools validated by 7 experts, phase 2: studying of current state and desirable state of Early Childhood for Schools, the sampling were 152 early childhood teachers, and phase 3: the development of early childhood for Schools confirmed by 7 experts. The research instruments were the questionnaire, interview form and evaluation form. The questionnaire, correspondence-index between the question IOC value from 0.80-1.00, the reliability value of current questionnaire was .87 and desirable questionnaire was .89. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of the Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and Modified Priority Needs Index (PNIModified) The research findings were as follows : 1) The elements of early childhood teacher development on Whole Language Approach for Schools consisted of 6 elements and 24 indicators, confirmed by experts, were at the highest level of 4.76 2) The current state of early childhood teacher development on Whole Language Approach for Schools was at high level of 4.74, the first element was at highest of 3.83 and the third was at least of 3.33. And the desired state, in overall, was at the highest level. 3) The developed program for developing, Early Childhood Teachers on Whole Language Approach for Schools consisted of elements including: (1) the principle of program, (2) the objectives of program, (3) the goal of program, (4) the model and approach of program development, (5) the structure of program. (6) The content and essence of the program, consisted of 6 Modules


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How to Cite

ศิวะกรภูริหิรัญ ก., & จิตรนันท์ ธ. (2019). The Development of Program for Developing Early Childhood Teacher on Whole Language Approach for Schools under Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(1), 59–68. retrieved from



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