The Process of Creating a Plan that Affect the Performance of the Development Plan of Three Years of the Municipal Government District in Pho Chai Roi Et Province


  • สราวุธ ไสยรส
  • รังสรรค์ อินทน์จันทน์
  • รัชนิดา ไสยรส


process, performance, plan to develop the three years


This research aims to study ; The process level development plan, the performance of the development plan, the relationship of the process to create a development plan and the suggestionsin the development of a process to create a plan
to develop a three year of the municipal government district in Pho chai, Roi Et province. The population and the group examples, 117 people of the municipal government district in Pho chai, Roi Et province. and statistics that are used in Data Analysis include a frequency distribution of the Average Standard Deviation. The hypothesis testing with statistical correlation coefficient of the Pearson Statistical Significance level .05 and Qualitative data the Principal Investigator to describe and explain. The results of research : 1. The process of creating a plan to develop the three years of the municipal government district in pho chai district in the level when considered as the level is the process of creating a development plan of three years in the level of the total number of 7 The Sort by the average to the side of the stage of the Strategy Selection approaches to development is the steps to prepare for the plan the steps to configure the purpose of the guidelines for the development of the stage of approval and the promulgation of the development plan three years. The Municipal steps to create a plan to develop three years of the data collection and analysis of data and the steps to the project details/Development Activities. 2. The performance of the development plan of three years of the municipal government district in pho chai and the level when considered as a performance level is in the level of the number 3 to the Sort by the average value to the is the correct and complete is the effectiveness of the plan of the problem and the need to have a performance level is average in the Number 1 is the flexibility and accept the implementation. 3. The results of the analysis of the relationship of the process to create a development plan of three years with the performance of the municipal government in the Sub-district, Pho chai, Roi Et Province. The overall Relationship value is in the medium level. 4. The suggestions for the action plan to develop a three year of the municipal government district in Pho chai, Roi Et province. According to the Regulations of the Ministry of Interior that with the development plan of the local government
organization in 2005. Plan should with the problem and the need for flexibility and acceptance of the implementation and effectiveness of the plan. Plan is to be aware of the budget and the status of the fiscal status of the municipal government as a plan to develop it is divided into the budgetto each area thoroughly.


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How to Cite

ไสยรส ส., อินทน์จันทน์ ร., & ไสยรส ร. (2017). The Process of Creating a Plan that Affect the Performance of the Development Plan of Three Years of the Municipal Government District in Pho Chai Roi Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 215–222. retrieved from



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