A Survey of Cyclists Needs in Exercise of Roi-Et Rajabhat University Cycling Club for Health
Needs, Exercise, Cycling, Cycling ClubAbstract
The purposes of this research were to 1) survey cyclists’ needs in cycling for exercise of Roi-Et Rajabhat University Cycling Club for Health and to 2) compare cyclists’ needs in cycling for exercise classified by gender 3) investigate guidelines
in various aspects for developing cycling in Roi Et Rajabhat University. The subjects of this study were three administrators and 35 members of Roi-Et Rajabhat University Cycling Club for Health. The instruments used in the research were
questionnaires and interview. Percentage, mean, standard deviations and t-test were employed for the statistical analysis. The results of the study were as follows: 1) In overall aspects, cyclists’ needs in cycling for exercise was found at the highest level. When considering each aspect, the cyclists’ needs of cycling route was at the highest level ( =4.55) followed by the safety behavior of cycling (
=4.41). The respondents also suggested that there should be painted bicycle lanes in order to help cycling safely at night including comfortable, safe, and adequate bicycle parking with electricity for security.
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