Ethics of Police Officers under Kalasin Provincial Police


  • สุพากรณ์ ประทุม
  • สังคม ศุภรัตนกุล
  • จุรีวัลย์ ภักดีวุฒิ


ethics, police, action


The purposes of this research were to study and compare the ethical practice of police officers under Kalasin Provincial Police classified by rank, salary and educational background. The sample of this research included 327 police officers under Kalasin Provincial Police which were selected by stratified random sampling. The research instrument used was a rating scale questionnaire. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.88. The statistics used in this study were percentage, mean, standard deviation and One Way ANOVA. The finding indicated as follows: The results revealed that in overall the ethical practice of police officers under Kalasin Provincial Police classified by rank, salary and educational
background were at a high level. When considering in each aspect, it was found that the code of ethic stating that police must pay respect to, trust, and adherence to the democratic form of government with the King as Head of State was considered as the highest level whereas other aspects were at a high level. The comparison of the ethical practice was found with significant differences at the level of .05 .


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How to Cite

ประทุม ส., ศุภรัตนกุล ส., & ภักดีวุฒิ จ. (2017). Ethics of Police Officers under Kalasin Provincial Police. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 187–194. retrieved from



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