An Analytical Study of the Way of the Santosa Principle Using in Thai Society


  • รุ่งเทวา ศรีวรรณะ
  • พระมหาทวี มหาปัญโญ


The doctrine of Santosa, The Thai society, The way of the doctrine


The main objectives of this thesis are to 1) study the contentment from Tipitaka and the other Theravada Books, 2) study the doctrine of the contentment and the way of Bra Thera and King Rama IV, 3) analyze the application of the mentioned doctrine in Thai Society. From the study, it was found that Santosa is happiness and satisfaction in people’s minds. It is the opposite way to the greediness, and its supporting moral principles are effort and carefulness. The Santosa results in the great heart and prevents one’s mind from greediness. From the study Tipitaka and the other Theravada Books found that Santosa roots from a Pali word “Suntutthi” which means “the satisfaction in what one possesses”. For monks, the Santosa is used as the fundamental practice for spiritual development. For layman, it is the principle for peaceful household affair and self-regulation. From the study in the way of Bra Thera and King Rama 9 is found that even though they have different ways of teaching, all are in accordance with the doctrines in Tipitaka. One thing in common for Bra Thera and King Rama 9 is selfsatisfaction. The analytical study in application of The Santosa in Thai Societies stated that it can promote
problem solving from within as follows; Family members should be cultivated how to solve problem with Santosa. Santosa together with other moral principles should be taken into account including the Principle of Sufficiency Economy to solve economic problems. In terms of political solution, people who are legal to vote should be content with the representatives who take Santosa as their moral principles.


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How to Cite

ศรีวรรณะ ร., & มหาปัญโญ พ. (2017). An Analytical Study of the Way of the Santosa Principle Using in Thai Society. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 170–176. retrieved from



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