Comparison of Spirit Retrieving Scriptures for Buffalo between the Version of Bhamaha Dot Com and the Version of Thammapakdee


  • สันติ ทิพนา


comparison, spirit retrieving scriptures for buffalo, Banmahakon Dot Com, o-Thammapakdee


The spirit retrieving ceremony for buffalo is disappearing from E-Sarn society. This qualitative research aimed to compare the spirit retrieving scripture for buffalo between the version of Banmaha Dot Dom and the version of So Thammapakdee. in The findings were presented by descriptive analysis. The research results revealed the differences and similarities in terms of the patterns of the content, the content itself and the art of literature between the two versions of the spirit retrieving scriptures for buffalo. It was also found that buffaloes have played important roles in E-sarn society and Thaiagricultural culture for a long time as they have been used as labor in subsistence agriculture production of the Northeast people’s ways of life.


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How to Cite

ทิพนา ส. (2017). Comparison of Spirit Retrieving Scriptures for Buffalo between the Version of Bhamaha Dot Com and the Version of Thammapakdee. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 149–157. retrieved from



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