Guidelines for Promoting and Developing Disabilities Students in Higher Education


  • ธีระศักดิ์ ดาแก้ว
  • อุมาพร ไวยารัตน์
  • เพิ่มพร สุ่มมาตย์
  • สว่าง ยุคะลัง


Disabilities Students, Higher Education, Promoting and Development


   The support and development of disabled students in higher education at Roi–et Rajabhat University has resulted in establishing the Center of Disability Support Service (DSS) to serve and support the education of students with disabilities, to encourage disabled students to assess information, and to participate university activities. In addition, DSS also helps students with their learning style adaptation and with lives with others. The guidelines for promoting and
developing disability students’ attainment consisted of: 1) the principle of understanding both practitioners and disabled students based on moral, ethics, and equality. 2) Following the university policy by using universal design. 3) Promoting disabilities students executive function strategies for their accomplishment. There were many projects supporting disabled students in DSS which included roles, skills needed for learning as well as equality of life–education.


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How to Cite

ดาแก้ว ธ., ไวยารัตน์ อ., สุ่มมาตย์ เ., & ยุคะลัง ส. (2016). Guidelines for Promoting and Developing Disabilities Students in Higher Education. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 10(2), 143–147. retrieved from



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