Smoking Behaviors among Athletes of Roi Et Rajabhat University


  • ปริวัตร ปาโส
  • พนิดา ชูเวช
  • ธนะพัฒน์ ทักษิณทร์


Behavior, Smoking, Athlete


This survey research aimed to 1) investigatesmoking behaviors of athletes of Roi Et RajabhatUniversity, 2) study their levels of knowledge andattitudes towards smoking behaviors and 3) findout recommendations for the solution of smoking
behavior problems. The samples were 155 athletesof Roi Et Rajabhat University who participated inthe 39th Northeastern Rajabhat Universities Sport Game, determining by Krejcie and Morgan. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument. The statistic used for data analysis were means, percentage and standard deviation. Regarding smoking behaviors of 155 samples, there were 132 non smokers (89.03%), 17 smokers (10.97%). 11 smokers smoked because of initiation (66.67%) Occasions for smoking was during nightlife (44.45%). Regarding knowledge about and attitude towards smoking behaviors, the findings indicated that the majority of athletes have knowledge about cigarettes at a high level as well as their attitudes toward smoking behaviors. Policy recommendations on management of smoking behaviors among athletes of Roi Et Rajabhat University are as follows: Firstly, the university should initiate the campaign in order to reduce smoking behaviors. Secondly, knowledge management, family participation regarding cigarette smoking should be promoted. Lastly, a research or a project for the solution related to the participation of students in smoking cessation.


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How to Cite

ปาโส ป., ชูเวช พ., & ทักษิณทร์ ธ. (2017). Smoking Behaviors among Athletes of Roi Et Rajabhat University. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 113–119. retrieved from



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