Integrated Information Technology Strategies for Local Development


  • พิกุล มีมานะ
  • สัญญา เคณาภูมิ
  • ภักดี โพธิ์สิงห์
  • สนุก สิงห์มาตร


Integrated Strategy, Technology Information, Local Development


Information technology currently plays an important role in country development especially in order for optimizing work performance in terms of labour economy and cost reduction of working. The public sector
management particularly local government organizations as the public units running for local people needs to prepare information technology for managing the public service thoroughly in order to meet their needs. This article proposes strategies of integrated information technology for local development ; 1) management information systems, 2) social development systems, 3) tourism and economy supporting systems, 4) local publishing systems, and
5) local service systems.


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How to Cite

มีมานะ พ., เคณาภูมิ ส., โพธิ์สิงห์ ภ., & สิงห์มาตร ส. (2017). Integrated Information Technology Strategies for Local Development. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 253–261. retrieved from



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