A Study of an Operating Result in Community Enterprise: a Case Study of Rice Community Center at Nong-Room-Pook Village, Lue Subdistrict, Pathum-Ratchawongsa District, Amnat Charoen Province.


  • ณมน ธนินธญางกูร
  • อรวรรณ แร่ทอง


Community enterprise, Operation


The objectives of this research were: 1) to studythe generality operation of the Rice Community Centerat Nong-Room-Pook Village, and 2) to examine an operatingresults of the Rice Community Center. The samplesused in this study were 53 people consisted of13 chairmen and boards, and 40 members of the smalland micro community enterprise. The research toolused in this research was a three- rating scale questionnaire.The statistics used in data analysis were frequency,percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The researchresults demonstrated that 1) the generality operationof the Rice Community Center at Nong-Room-PookVillage, there were 53 members divided into 3 groups,which were (1) Board of the Rice Community Center(2) Fund Board and (3) Quality Control Board ofpaddy seeds. The objective was to produce paddyseeds for the community that production capacitywas 30 tons per year. Currently, there are acirculating fund around 400,000 bath and a dividendpayment to each member about 10,000 baths.


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How to Cite

ธนินธญางกูร ณ., & แร่ทอง อ. (2017). A Study of an Operating Result in Community Enterprise: a Case Study of Rice Community Center at Nong-Room-Pook Village, Lue Subdistrict, Pathum-Ratchawongsa District, Amnat Charoen Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 66–72. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/176384



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