The Academic Administration of General Buddhist Scripture School in Roi Et Province


  • พระวุฒิไกร ตรีภพ
  • เกรียงศักดิ์ ศรีสมบัติ


Administration, Academic, Buddhist Scripture Schools


This research aimed to 1) study academicadministration of General Buddhist Scripture schoolsin Roi Et, 2) compare academic administration ofGeneral Buddhist Scripture schools in Roi Et in differentschool size, 3) investigate suggestions for academic administration of General Buddhist Scripture schools in Roi Et. The samples were 338 teachers, head of academic affair and administrators of the schools.The research instrument for data collection was a
questionnaire and interview. The collected data was analyzed through frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t–test (One way ANOVA)
and content analysis.The results were found as follows :1) As a whole of all aspects and each aspect, academic administration of General Buddhist Scripture schools in Roi Et were rated at high level. 2) The Comparison of academic administration of General Buddhist Scripture schools in Roi Et in different school size in overall was not different. Curriculum development of school aspect was
statistically difference at level of .05. 3) The suggestions of academic administration of General Buddhist Scripture schools in Roi Et are1) curriculum development of school aspect, school should prepare seminar to give teacher understanding
and participate in curriculum development, 2) development learning process aspect, schools should give and guide teachers to change activities become studentcentered, 3) measurement aspect, schools should observe the instruction continuously and systematically, 4) quality assurance in education and standard aspect, school should develop the quality of education follow quality assurance in education system, 5) development, use mass media and technology for the education aspect, teachers suppose to use technology in teaching, 6) development and supporting source of knowledge aspect, schools should field trip in every year,
7) research for education development aspect, school should motivate teachers to do classroom research, 8) academic community’s supporting aspect, students should be trained academic training continuously in every year.


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How to Cite

ตรีภพ พ., & ศรีสมบัติ เ. (2017). The Academic Administration of General Buddhist Scripture School in Roi Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(1), 270–274. retrieved from



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