Using Genre-based Teaching Activities to Develop Application letter Writing Abilities for High Vocational Certificate Students


  • วรัญญา เชื้อวังคา
  • พิลานุช ภูษาวิโศธน์


Genre- based Activities, Application letter Writing, High Vocational Certificate Students


This study was aimed at investigating students’ writing abilities and their attitudes toward using
genre-based teaching activities. Selected through simple random sampling, the subjects consisted of 32 high
vocational certificate students with electrical major who registered the English for Business and Social
Communication (3000-1201) course, in the first semester of the academic year 2015 at Roi-Et Technical
College in Roi-Et province. The instruments included 18 hours of 3 learning activity plans, an application
letter writing test and a students’ attitude questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed with the use of mean,
standard deviation and t-test (Dependent Samples). The findings of this research were as follows:1. After the use of authentic materials through genre-based teaching activities for 18 hours, it was
found that the subjects’ application letter writing abilities had improved with the higher scores in post test
and all students could perform at a good level;
2. The subjects had a positive attitude toward teaching application letter writing through genrebased
In conclusion, using genre-based teaching activities helped improve high vocational certificate
students’ application letter writing abilities. In addition, it improved their attitude toward English.
Therefore, teachers should be encouraged to use genre-based teaching activities for improving English
abilities of students.


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How to Cite

เชื้อวังคา ว., & ภูษาวิโศธน์ พ. (2017). Using Genre-based Teaching Activities to Develop Application letter Writing Abilities for High Vocational Certificate Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 282–292. retrieved from



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