The Use of Genre-based Activities to Develop Students’ Complaint Letter Writing Ability


  • ธีรภัทร ปรุงเกียรติ
  • อินธิสาร ไชยสุข


Complaint Letter Writing, Genre-based activities, Attitude


The purposes of this research were 1) to improve students’ complaint letter writing ability based
on genre-based activities and 2) to study the attitude of students toward the learning activities based
on genre-based activities. The samples were selected by purposive sampling of eighteen second-year
undergraduate students, majoring in English, faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Surindra Rajabhat
University in the first semester of 2015. The instruments used in this research were 1) Genre Based
Activities Lesson Plans 2) Writing Test 3) Attitude questionnaire and 4) Complaint letter writing ability
rubric. Data analysis was on activities in lesson plans which were based on genre-based activities and
a complaint letter writing test after class. The statistics used in this research consist of mean, percentage,
and standard deviation. The study results revealed that 1) the score of students’ writing ability before
using activities was 68.43%, after using genre-based activities was 88.21% and t-test was 27.95 and
2) the students’ attitude with genre-based activities process were of a high level.


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How to Cite

ปรุงเกียรติ ธ., & ไชยสุข อ. (2017). The Use of Genre-based Activities to Develop Students’ Complaint Letter Writing Ability. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 272–281. retrieved from



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