The Development of learning activities of student teachers by reflective thinking activities using the 3-R format in a Course of Study “Principles of Mathematics Measurement and Evaluation”


  • สุพรรณิการ์ ชนะนิล


The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop the learning activities of the student teachers
by reflective thinking activities using the 3-R format in a course of study “Principles of Mathematics
Measurement and Evaluation”. 2) to study the opinions of the student teachers toward the reflective
thinking activities using the 3-R format. The research model was classroom action research. The target
group was 122 fourth year students enrolled in the course “Principles of Mathematics Measurement and
Evaluation” (MAT4122) in the second semester of 2016. The purposive sampling was employed to selectthe sample. Documents and Research tools were 1) documents supporting the action research were
1.1) course description 1.2) a reflective thinking activities guide for Instructors 2) tools that reflected
performance were 2.1) forms of Instructor's journal 2.2) questionnaires for collecting the opinions
of the student teachers toward the reflective thinking activities using the 3-R format. Results of the research
were as follows: There are 4 steps of reflective thinking activities process, including : 1) create a relaxed
atmosphere in a classroom. 2) provide basic knowledge in reflective writing and give variety of reflexive
writing examples. 3) define the reflective writing framework using the 3-R format;. Reaction, Relevance,
and Responsibility 4) use of reflective writing for improving teaching continuously by writing responses,
admiring, sending apologies, and encouraging for the next reflective writing. Opinions of the student
teachers toward the reflective thinking activities using the 3-R format, as an overall they were agree
at a high level with the mean of 4.35 or 86.97%. The mean score on instructor aspect was at the highest
level follow by the reflective activities aspect, respectively.


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How to Cite

ชนะนิล ส. (2019). The Development of learning activities of student teachers by reflective thinking activities using the 3-R format in a Course of Study “Principles of Mathematics Measurement and Evaluation”. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 239. retrieved from



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