The Development of English Listening and Speaking Skills through Total Physical Response for First Grade Students


  • วารุณี ศิริ
  • อภิราดี จันทร์แสง


This research was aimed 1) to develop English listening and speaking lesson plans through Total
Physical Response method for first grade students with a required efficiency criterion of 75/75,
2) to study the effectiveness Index of the lesson plans, 3) to compare the English listening and speaking
scores before and after using the TPR lesson plans, and 4) to investigate the students’ attitudes toward
learning English through the developed TPR lesson plans. The target group was 6 first grade students in
second semester of the academic year 2016 at Ban Khokkung School, the Office of Surin Primary Educational
Service Area 2. The sample was selected by purposive sampling. The instruments used in this study were
16 lesson plans, a 20-items achievement test, and a 10-items rating scale attitude measurement. The statistics
for data analysis was mean, standard deviation, percentage, and the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Singed-Ranks

Result s of the study revealed that the efficiency of the English instructional plans was 76.73/
75.83. The effectiveness Index of these lesson plans was 47.27 percent. The scores of listening and
speaking after using the TPR were higher at a significance of .05 level. The students’ attitude toward
learning English through TPR was positive at a high level with the mean score of 4.20.


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How to Cite

ศิริ ว., & จันทร์แสง อ. (2019). The Development of English Listening and Speaking Skills through Total Physical Response for First Grade Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 195–206. retrieved from



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