Knowledge Transfer Capability versus Knowledge Sharing Capability and Knowledge Creation Capability in Context of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy: Evidence from Community Enterprise Group in Thailand


  • ปิยะวรรณ คุ้มญาติ
  • ซินเนีย รัติภัทร์


Knowledge Sharing Capability, Knowledge Transfer Capability, Knowledge Creation Capability


Currently business is highly competition. Furthermore, business operations are under a dynamic
environment. Therefore, knowledge transfer capability and knowledge sharing capability are important
issues for businesses to continue in competitive capability and business sustainability under the above
conditions. Knowledge transfer capability and knowledge sharing capability have been viewed as one key
component that influences business sustainability. Drawing on the knowledge based view and resource
based view theory that explain the relationships of the model, the purpose of this paper is to present
the relationships among knowledge transfer capability versus knowledge sharing capability, knowledge
creation capability and business sustainability. The model is empirically tested by using data collected
from mail surveys from among community enterprise group in Thailand. Executives or leaders of community
enterprises of each group are the key informants. Descriptive statistics, correlations, and multiple regression
analyses are utilized to examine and demonstrate the relationships among the independent variables
and the dependent variables which are proposed as five testable hypotheses. The results reveal that
the posited both knowledge transfer capability and knowledge sharing capability have positive associations


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How to Cite

คุ้มญาติ ป., & รัติภัทร์ ซ. (2017). Knowledge Transfer Capability versus Knowledge Sharing Capability and Knowledge Creation Capability in Context of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy: Evidence from Community Enterprise Group in Thailand. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 99–108. retrieved from



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