Knowledge Transfer in Music of Phra Chen Duriyanga to the Learners : A Case Study of Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Manas Phitisan and Police Lieutenant Colonel Teeka Pothives.


  • บพิตร เค้าหัน
  • เฉลิมศักดิ์ พิกุลศรี
  • ไพศาล สุวรรณน้อย


Phra Chen Duriyanga, Knowledge Transfer, Music


This research was aimed to study the knowledge transfer in music of Phra Chen Duriyanga to
the learners : a case study of Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Manas Phitisan and Police Lieutenant
Colonel Teeka Pothives. This research methodology was qualitative research design using multiple
case studies. Purposive sampling was utilized to assigned key informants to participate in the research.
Structured interviews, observations, and document analysis such as music sheets and music books were
employed to collect the data.
The research results indicated that the method of transferring music knowledge by Phra Chen Duriyanga
was unique as follows. 1) First of all, Phra Chen Duriyanga would focus on lectures. He began with contents
that were the principles or concepts. Then, he would ask questions and encourage learners to think
critically. 2) Teaching of music skills, learners will allowed to choose the music instruments themselves,
then Phra Chen Duriyanga would considered the appropriate music instrument for each learner. After that,
Phra Chen Duriyanga would supply instruments and music sheet for the learners and assigned teaching
assistants to teach music skills for them. 3) Teaching of the musical composition, Phra Chen Duriyanga


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How to Cite

เค้าหัน บ., พิกุลศรี เ., & สุวรรณน้อย ไ. (2017). Knowledge Transfer in Music of Phra Chen Duriyanga to the Learners : A Case Study of Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Manas Phitisan and Police Lieutenant Colonel Teeka Pothives. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 90–98. retrieved from



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