The Effectiveness of Administration and Management Based on the Roles of Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization


  • ธนกร เชื้อจำรูญ


Effectiveness of administration and management, Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization, Role


This research aimed to investigate 1) the effectiveness of administration and management based
on the roles of Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization 2) factors affecting administration and management
based on the roles of Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization and 3) problems and obstacles concerning
administration and management based on the roles of Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization.
The subjects of this study were 162 local officials of Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization.
The research instruments included questionnaire on the effectiveness and factors affecting administration
and management based on the roles of Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization. Percentage means
and standard deviation were used for quantitative data analysis.
The findings revealed the effectiveness of administration and management based on the roles of
Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization in overall was at a moderate level. Factors affecting its
administration and management were human resource development, motivation and organizational
development. In terms of problems and obstacles in administration and management, the findings
showed the numbers of local officials were inadequate comparing to their works, the budget was not
sufficient and budget allocation didn’t cover all required works.


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How to Cite

เชื้อจำรูญ ธ. (2017). The Effectiveness of Administration and Management Based on the Roles of Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 17–24. retrieved from



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