E-Commerce for Added Potential of Management for Ban Pa-ao Bronzeware Center


  • ขนิษฐา อินทะแสง
  • ธีรดา โชติพันธ์
  • สันทนีย์ กิจเพิ่มเกียรติ


e-commerce system, Ban Pa-ao Bronzeware, Online Marketing


The development of e-commerce system for added potential of management for Ban Pa-ao
Bronzeware Center was aimed to expand marketing coverage, to increase distribution channels, to be
a source of knowledge for the public to learn about Ban Pa-ao bronzeware, and to promote and support
the potential development of the local wise men.
This e-commerce system was developed as a web page on Window XP by using PHP script
language and MySQL database program. The PHP was applied to design and develop a user interface
whereas the MySQL database was used as the database server. The program is divided into two sessions;
the customer and the staff. The customer session consists of the membership section, basket trading
system, product searching, customer service, and a receipt-invoice process. The staff session consists
of the subscribing system, membership system, ordering, payment system, and FAQ. The system was
evaluated with a survey from twenty-eighth users including 5 staff members, 10 members, and 13 nonmembers.
The results of the study were as follows:
The evaluation of this system showed that users rated moderate to the highest levels of
satisfaction toward the developed e-commerce. And the majority of the users (77.85%) were satisfied at a
high level. This finding might be due to the reason that the system provided more channels to distribute
products. It helped disseminate the local knowledge of bronzeware. It also supported the potential
development of the local wisdom as a purpose of the study.


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How to Cite

อินทะแสง ข., โชติพันธ์ ธ., & กิจเพิ่มเกียรติ ส. (2017). E-Commerce for Added Potential of Management for Ban Pa-ao Bronzeware Center. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 11(2), 8–16. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/176325



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