Tax Collection Ability of Custom Regional Division 7, Lao People’s Democratic Republic


  • จัตุรัส คำดวง
  • ศศิธร เชาวรัตน์
  • นิศารัตน์ โชติเชย


Ability, Tax Collection, Lao People’s Democratic Republic


The objectives of the research were to assess the abilities in tax collection of the Custom Regional
Division 7, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and to assess the efficiency in tax collection of the Custom
Regional Division 7, Champasack Province, Salawan Province, Atapue Province and Sekong Province,
Lao People’s Democratic republic in 2017. The sample subjects of the study were ninety three tax officers of
the Custom Regional Division 7 in four provinces: Champasack Province, Salawan Province, Atapue Province
and Sekong Province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic. The data was collected by questionnaires.
The study showed that: 1) the overall tax collection of the Custom Regional Division 7 in the four
provinces from 2015 to 2017. The findings indicated that the overall tax collection of the four provinces decreased
in 2016 which was less than that of 2015. However, the tax collection of the four provinces increased gradually
in 2017. The main reason may be caused by the growing economy of the country, and the tax collection was not complicated in 2016. Additionally, the government implemented the laws of
exporting logs. The maximum amount of tax collection of the four provinces were Champasack province,
Salawan Province, Atapue Province and Sekong Province respectively. 2) The average ability of the officers in
tax collection of the Custom Regional Division 7 in 2016 was at a high level. The two high rated items of the
tax officer were knowledge of tax law and regulations and document management. The tow moderate rated
items of the offices were tax services and public relations. The ability of the officers in tax collection regarding
the four provinces was not significantly different. 3) The average efficiency in tax collection of the Custom
Regional Division 7 in the four provinces was at the moderate level. The four moderate rated items of
the efficiency were worthiness, accuracy, in time and monitoring respectively.


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How to Cite

คำดวง จ., เชาวรัตน์ ศ., & โชติเชย น. (2017). Tax Collection Ability of Custom Regional Division 7, Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 121–128. retrieved from



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