The inter-organizational network between small micro enterprises (SMEs) and other sectors in Nong Khai province on devoted special economic zones


  • อาริยา ป้องศิริ
  • สิรินดา กมลเขต


The purpose of this research was to study the current status of the inter-organizational network
between small micro enterprises (SMEs) and other sectors in Nong Khai province on devoted special
economic zones. The research is conducted qualitatively using deep interview and documentary research.
Samples were purposively selected from the informants who were willing to disclose the information as 7 key
informants: government sectors, private Sectors who related to SMEs and SMEs entrepreneurs in Nong Khai.
The study results, Nong Khai province has the potential and opportunity to develop economic, with a number
of important supporting factors; Nong khai special economic development area, most SMEs businesses
accounting for 99.23%. The government also has a policy to promote trade and investment for SMEs as well
as the private sector. And entrepreneurs in the area are paying attention to the issue. However,
the cooperation between the business sector (SMEs) and other sectors is not very clear. Operation is still
the same. Lack of data link and communication with the stakeholders, SMEs can’t take advantage of, and
the opportunity from special economic zone.


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How to Cite

ป้องศิริ อ., & กมลเขต ส. (2019). The inter-organizational network between small micro enterprises (SMEs) and other sectors in Nong Khai province on devoted special economic zones. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 100–112. retrieved from



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