Developing creativity and scientific attitudes about unit of organisms. The use of creative learning as a base. For students of Mathayomsuksa 1


  • นิสารัตน์ โพธิกมล
  • ศศิธร แสนพันดร
  • วันวิสาข์ เพาะเจริญ
  • บดินทร์ มงคลสิน


Scientific attitude, Unit of life, Creativity-based learning management


Developing creativity and scientific attitudes about unit of organisms. The use of creative learning
as a base. For students of Mathayomsuksa 1. This research aims to compare learning achievement. Before
and after school to develop creative skills. And measure the attitude toward the science. Using a creative
learning management model as the basis of the unit of life. The sample is Mathayomsuksa 1 students the
research instrument was a learning plan for creative thinking as a base. Test before and after school Creative Skills
Assessment and the attitude toward science. The unit of life Data collection 1) Clarification of learning
objectives. 2) Pre-test with multiple-choice quizzes, 4 options, and 40 essays, units of life, scoring and
recordings. 3) Teaching and learning in accordance with the research plan. The concept of creative
learning as a base. 12 weeks teaching time 4) during the experiment, record students' behaviors with
creative thinking assessment. 5) Post-trial experiment with posttest unit test. Have students make a measure of
their attitudes toward science. After learning by the creative management model as a base. Make a score
and record the results in a recording. 6) Take the scores from the test before and after the test. Creative
Skills Assessment and the attitudes toward the science that has been analyzed. Basic statistical methods
such as mean, standard deviation, and percentage are used to test the hypothesis. The results of the
study showed that post-study achievement was higher than that before. The mean values after learning
and before learning were 29.92 and 17.32. The average was 3.20 Stay in good and the attitude toward science.
After learning the creative model. The mean score was 4.58, which was in agreement.


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How to Cite

โพธิกมล น., แสนพันดร ศ., เพาะเจริญ ว., & มงคลสิน บ. (2017). Developing creativity and scientific attitudes about unit of organisms. The use of creative learning as a base. For students of Mathayomsuksa 1. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 59–64. retrieved from



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