The Potential of MICE Industry in Roi Et Province


  • สุริยาวุธ ธรณี
  • จุรีวัลย์ ภักดีวุฒิ


The purpose of this research study potential of MICE industry and develop MICE industry potential
in Roi Et. The research used a qualitative research and collected data with semi-structured interviews.
This research is a qualitative research. The qualitative method utilized a semi-structured interview with
the 5 key informants of MICE industry. The data were analyze by SWOT Analysis. The research found that
MICE industry in Roi Et has strengths in location of the province. Is in the middle of the northeast.
The transportation is convenient and routes can be link to CLMV countries. It is also a central hub in
the development of logistics. There are also weaknesses low tourism potential compared to other provinces.
The opportunity to develop that the government has a policy to promote local tourism industry and
the logistics make to the center of the sector. However the potential and development of MICE industry
should be concretely management and good public relations.


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How to Cite

ธรณี ส., & ภักดีวุฒิ จ. (2018). The Potential of MICE Industry in Roi Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 26–33. retrieved from



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