Developing and Identifying Indicators of Factors Determining Pull Travel Motivations of Phu Foi Lom National Park, Udon Thani Province, Thailand


  • มานน เซียวประจวบ Department of Management Science, Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • นิษา ศักดิ์ชูวงษ์ Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Travel Motivation, Easy Access and Affordability, Natural Resources


The purposes of this research were to 1) develop indicators determining pull travel motivations of Phu Foi lom National Park, Udon Thani province and 2) evaluate construct validity of model measuring indicators determining pull travel motivations of Phu Foi lom National Park, Udon Thani province by means of second-order confirmatory factor analysis technique. The sample consisted of 480 tourists in Phu Foi lom National Park, Udon Thani province. (Population= 292,211 tourists, EFA respondents 240 tourists, and CFA respondents = 240 tourists). The research instrument was a measurement of deterministic factor of pull travel motivations, through analysis of database by the method of exploratory factor analysis and second-order confirmatory factor analysis. The result from the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) showed 4 elements of pull travel motivations (KMO= 0.845) while the indicator elements were not different from theoretical models. The result from the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) indicated 4 elements of pull travel motivations which were easy access and affordability, natural resources, facilities and events and activities. The findings were supported by the theoretical models. The model in accordance was fit with the empirical data with Chi-square = 93.756, /df = 1.019, GFI = 0.952, AGFI = 0.928, CFI = 0.999, Standardized RMR = 0.046 and RMSEA = 0.009.


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How to Cite

เซียวประจวบ ม., & ศักดิ์ชูวงษ์ น. (2019). Developing and Identifying Indicators of Factors Determining Pull Travel Motivations of Phu Foi Lom National Park, Udon Thani Province, Thailand. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(3), 170–183. retrieved from



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