Changing the Status of Sub-district Administrative Organization to Subdistrict Municipality: A Case Study of Huai Bong Sub-district Administrative Organization


  • สุกัญญา ธงภักดิ์ Faculty of College of Local Government Khonkaen University
  • ประชาสรรค์ แสนภักดี Faculty of College of Local Government Khonkaen University


Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Subdistrict Municipality, Changing the status of Local Administrative Organization


This study has a research question in mind. Nowadays, the Sub-district Administrative Organization has problems or obstacles in changing its status to a Sub-district Municipality. The objectives of this study were 1) To study the current situation of process which is occurring due to the change from Sub-district administrative organization to a Sub-district Municipality. 2) To study the obstacles of changing from a Sub-district administrative organization to Sub-district Municipality. The data collecting, the populations were local officials, Sub-district headman, Village headmen, and key community leaders and people in Huai Bong, totaling 49 persons. The instrument used in this study was in-depth interview. Statistics used in data analysis was inductive analysis. Data classification analyzed by comparison. The study results revealed that the problems of changing the status of the Sub-district Administrative Organization were 1) current problems caused by lacking of cooperation between local administrative organizations those their boundaries are in same administrative district. 2) Problems. caused by government – the indetermination of criterion in changing Sub-district Administrative Organization to Sub-district Municipality and problems in administration of the provincial government service. 3) Problems of participation – that is no the survey of the citizens’ opinion, the need of local politician is more than the views of people and the communication about the principle of citizens’ participation in changing Sub-district Administrative Organization to Sub-district Municipality was not clear. 4) Political problems in process of changing to Sub-district Municipality, using the power of the national politicians for political benefits and using local administrative organization as the national political bastion.


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How to Cite

ธงภักดิ์ ส., & แสนภักดี ป. (2018). Changing the Status of Sub-district Administrative Organization to Subdistrict Municipality: A Case Study of Huai Bong Sub-district Administrative Organization. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12(2), 173–181. retrieved from



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