Development of Teacher Development Program on Mathematics Learning Management for Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 24


  • วิริญญ์ แวงโสธรณ์ Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University
  • เผชิญ กิจระการ Communication Technology and Education, Mahasarakam University


Development Programs, Development Teacher, Mathematics Learning Management


The research aims to 1) study the components and indicators of mathematical learning management according to constructivist theories. 2) study the current state Desirable and necessary needs of mathematical learning management according to constructive theories. 3) To study the method of teacher development in mathematical management based on constructivist theory and 4) Develop a teacher development program for learning mathematics for the educational institution under the Office of the Secondary Education Region 24. The sample consisted of 165 mathematics teachers. Used tools Evaluation formulas and indicators. A questionnaire on the need for mathematical instruction in constructivist theory. Current Status Query and interviews. The descriptive statistics were used to calculate the mean of deviation, percentage, mean deviation, standard Pearson correlation coefficient. Cronbach's alpha coefficient and required indices. (PNI Modified) The research found that ; 1) The components and indicators of learning mathematics based on constructivist theories for educational institutions showed that there were 5 elements, 29 indicators. 2) Current conditions, desirable conditions and essential needs of mathematical learning management. Based on constructive theories, it was found that the present condition was at a low level. Desirable overall condition at the highest level. And needs index analysis. In descending order, we construct new intellectual structure. Reflect the evaluation. Introduction to the lesson. 3) How to develop teachers in the management of mathematical learning based on the theory of constructivism. Use training method (Training) 4) The development of the teacher development program in learning mathematics for the educational institution under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 24, appropriateness and highly feasible.


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How to Cite

แวงโสธรณ์ ว., & กิจระการ เ. (2018). Development of Teacher Development Program on Mathematics Learning Management for Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 24. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12(2), 149–161. retrieved from



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