Roles of the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee for Local Development Plan of Local Administrative Organizations in Roi Et Province


  • สุรเดช แก้วสิทธิ์ ThaMuang District Municipality Office
  • กชพร นำมาผล Roi Et Rajabhat University


Roles, the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee, Local Development Plan


The research aimed to study and compare the roles of the monitoring and evaluation committee for local development plan of local administrative organizations in Roi Et Province, classified by gender, age, level of education and position. The sample comprised 331 monitoring and evaluation committee members for local development plan of local administrative organizations in Roi Et Province, obtained through stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a rating scale questionnaire inquiring about comparison of the roles of the monitoring and evaluation committee for local development plan of local administrative organizations in Roi Et Province, having the reliability of 0.88. The data were collected via the mail. The data analysis employed a ready-made statistic program for social sciences to find percentage, the mean, standard deviation, t-test (Independent) and F-test. The results are as follows: 1. The study of the roles of the monitoring and evaluation committee for local development plan of local administrative organizations in Roi Et Province revealed that when each aspect was considered, the aspect of setting the framework, guidelines and methods of monitoring and evaluation for local development plans had its role at a high level. The comparison of the levels of the roles of the monitoring and evaluation committee for local development plan of local administrative organizations in Roi Et Province, classified by sex, revealed no difference on the aspect of setting the framework, guidelines and methods of monitoring and evaluation for local development plan, a whole. On the aspect of execution of monitoring and evaluation of the local development plan, as a whole, was a high level. 2. The comparison of the roles of the monitoring and evaluation committee for local development plan of local administrative organizations in Roi Et Province, as a whole and by aspect, revealed no difference. On the aspect of reporting and giving opinions from monitoring and evaluation of local development plan, as a whole, was at the highest level. The comparison of the roles of the monitoring and evaluation committee for local development plan classified by gender, age, level of education and position, on the aspect of execution of monitoring and evaluation of the local development as a whole, revealed no difference.


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How to Cite

แก้วสิทธิ์ ส., & นำมาผล ก. (2018). Roles of the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee for Local Development Plan of Local Administrative Organizations in Roi Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12(2), 110–120. retrieved from



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