
  • อธิพงษ์ นาครอด Public Administration Program in Public and Private Management Advisor, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • รังสรรค์ อินทน์จันทน์ Public Administration Program in Public and Private Management Advisor, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • รัชนิดา ไสยรส Public Administration Program in Public and Private Management Advisor, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Civil State Policy, Development, Local


This research aimed to 1) study the level of civil state policy and local development in Chumphon Province, 2) examine the relationship and the influence of the civil state policy on the local development in Chumphon Province, and 3) create a model of civil state policy for the local development in the area of study. The study was mixed in nature-quantitative and qualitative methods. With respect to the quantitative method, the sample of the study comprised 400 people. The study instrument was a set of self- administered questionnaires. In regard to the qualitative method, the small sample group comprised 36 participants. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The statistics used for hypothesis testing were Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and multiple regression by stepwise and data analysis for qualitative result. The results were as follows. 1) The level of civil state policy and local development in Chumphon Province, as a whole, was rated at a high level. 2) The relationship between the civil state policy and the local development in the area of study, as a whole, was also rated at a high level (.807). The predictor variables could explain factors influencing the local development in the area of study with a statistically calculated percentage of 66.50 ( R2 = .665). The sub-variables in descending order of degree were organizational competency promotion, private and people’s organization promotion and social power, local people encouragement for more development participation, liberty and rights warranty, equilibrium in development participation, and conflict management with peace orientation. 3) According to the civil state policy for the local development in the area of study, Chumphon Province should develop other strategies namely agricultural products and industrial agriculture development, commerce and tourism investment engagement, utility management, and infrastructure reestablishment and preservation. Finally, government’s policies for small and micro community enterprise financial support were crucially needed.


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How to Cite

นาครอด อ., อินทน์จันทน์ ร., & ไสยรส ร. (2018). CIVIL STATE POLICY FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN CHUMPHON PROVINCE. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12(2), 68–82. retrieved from



Research Articles