Processing to The Musical Arranging of His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadej According by The Regularlity’s Thai Royal Department of the Secretary General.


  • บพิตร เค้าหัน Department of Music Education Faculty of Education, Roi – Et Rajabhat University


Music Composition of His Majesty, Arranging, Thai Royal Department of the Secretary General


This article presents guidelines for the process of musical arrangement of the songs of His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadej according to the regulations of the Royal Thai Department of the Secretary General through interviews with experts who specialize in such arrangements. Analyzing the arrangements of King Bhumibol’s songs creates knowledge and understanding of the regulations of the Royal Thai Department of the Secretary General and the correct methods of how to arrange King Bhumibol’s songs. Anyone wishing to arrange the songs of King Bhumibol for publication, whether for commercial purposes or otherwise, must receive permission from the Royal Thai Department of the Secretary General. Such arrangements must be based on the official versions found in the book “The Music Compositions of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej 3rd edition” and the correct melody, lyrics and chords must be strictly preserved. However, rhythm, musical styles and musical forms such as introduction, interlude, band instrumental and improvisation, ending, countermelody and background can be creatively adapted as appropriate. Also, Thai classical instruments and folk instruments can be combined with Western instruments but the tuning should conform to the Western tuning.


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How to Cite

เค้าหัน บ. (2018). Processing to The Musical Arranging of His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadej According by The Regularlity’s Thai Royal Department of the Secretary General. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12(2), 269–281. retrieved from



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