Prang Ku Ancestor : Belief, Traditional Culture, and Ritual in Tambon Ma-ue, Thawatburi District, Roi Et Province


  • สันติ ทิพนา คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏร้อยเอ็ด
  • ราตรี ทิพนา โรงเรียนสาธิตมหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏมหาสารคาม


Prang Ku ancestor, belief, traditional culture


The aims of this article were to study belief, traditional culture and ritual. Case study: Prang Ku ancestor at Prang Ku, Ban Yang Ku, Tambon Ma-ue, Thawatburi District, Roi Et Province. The concept of Siam Kingmueangkao and Homhuan Buarapha (2015) were used as the way to the study. The study indicated that 1) Belief: the people believe that Prang Ku ancestor has the key role in the way of production and the implication of relation between human and nature 2) Traditional Culture: the Song Ku tradition, making merit for Prang Ku ancestor, and tradition of making a votive offering. They are very important annual traditions those villagers provide these traditions for happiness, encouragement, spiritual anchor and good in agricultural crops. 3) Ritual: all villagers and sectors gather the respected and sanctified ritual. This article aims to study Prang Ku ancestor; belief, traditional culture, and ritual in Tambon Ma-ue, Thawatburi District, Roi Et province. By using the concept of Siam Kingmeungkoe, and Homhun burapa (2015) To use as a guide to study. The study indicated that. 1) The belief that Prang Khu the people believe that the goddess pagoda. Plays an important role in the way of production. And the implications of the relationship between people and nature. 2) Cultural traditions found that the tradition of Song Ku. And tradition. It is a very important tradition. The villagers are prepared every year. To make people happy. Have a heart and mind. Including good agricultural crops. 3) The ritual is organized ritual. By engaging all sectors to respect and sanctify the ritual.


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How to Cite

ทิพนา ส., & ทิพนา ร. (2018). Prang Ku Ancestor : Belief, Traditional Culture, and Ritual in Tambon Ma-ue, Thawatburi District, Roi Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12(1), 237–245. retrieved from



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