Development of Training Leadership: XYZ Company Limited


  • Sudaree Homhual Panyapiwat Institute of Management
  • Wichet Khambunart Panyapiwat Institute of Management


Development of training courses, Leadership Competencies, Training


Background and Aims: Leadership is a very important factor for the success of an organization because leaders play a role in setting the direction and guidelines for various operations in the organization, including promoting and inspiring the team. Therefore, this research aimed to (1) determine the leadership competencies of XYZ Company Limited and (2) develop a leadership training curriculum for XYZ Company Limited.

Methodology: The research was divided into 2 phases as follows: Phase 1: Studying data to determine leadership competency by studying research documents both domestically and internationally on leadership competency and conducting focus group discussions with senior and middle executives within the organization to determine the leadership competency the organization needs. Phase 2: Developing a leadership training curriculum for XYZ Company Limited according to the specified leadership competency.

Results: In the first phase, when the researcher conducted the focus group discussion process to determine the leadership competencies of the production supervisors of XYZ Co., Ltd., with 1 senior executive, general manager and 7 middle executives, department managers, the researcher summarized the data into 3 competencies: (1) working with goals, (2) problem solving and decision-making, (3) creating excellent teamwork. In the second phase of the research, the development of the training curriculum can be divided into 3 steps as follows: (1) creating the training curriculum outline, (2) evaluating the curriculum components, and (3) improving the training curriculum outline by using the 70:20:10 learning model in terms of learning and development.

Conclusion: Developing personnel knowledge in line with competencies in this research study is consistent with the objectives of the training curriculum and activities, the consistency of the concepts used with the training curriculum activities, the coverage of content, the duration of training curriculum, the appropriateness of learning methods, and the appropriateness of evaluation approach for all competencies. All can be used to train the production supervisors of XYZ Co., Ltd. in accordance with the research objectives.


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How to Cite

Homhual, S. ., & Khambunart, W. . (2025). Development of Training Leadership: XYZ Company Limited. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 12(1), 161–174. retrieved from



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