Developing the ability of Grade 2 students to use difficult word reading skills using CIRC techniques to accompany the exercise
CIRC collaborative group learning, exercises, reading ability of difficult wordsAbstract
Background and Aims: Reading is an important knowledge seeking because reading is an increase in knowledge and experience. Reading is a perception of text the readers must understand the meaning and intention of the communicator and analyze the facts obtained from reading to decide whether to accept or reject. Therefore, reading is important to individuals because it helps develop thinking in various aspects. This research aims to 1) Develop learning activities using reading skills exercises, difficult words using CIRC learning techniques, along with exercises, to be effective according to the 80/80 criteria. 2) Compare the ability to read difficult words using CIRC cooperative learning activities of grade 2 students before and after learning. 3) Study the satisfaction of grade 2 students using CIRC cooperative learning activities.
Methodology: The target group is students currently studying in Grade 2 at Ban Nong Phai School, 2nd Semester, Academic Year 2023, Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 from 1 classroom 6 students. Research instruments include: 1) Learning management plans, 12 plans, 12 hours per plan 2) Test to measure the ability to read difficult words, Thai language learning group, Grade 2, multiple choice, 3 options, 30 questions 3) Satisfaction questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation.
Results: 1) The plan for organizing learning activities on reading difficult words for students was effective (E.1/E.2) equal to 80.71/86.19, which was in accordance with the criteria of 80/80. 2) The ability to read difficult words by using the CIRC cooperative learning group activities of the 2nd grade students before and after learning was equal to 0.6585, indicating that the students who learned to read difficult words by using the CIRC learning technique with exercises had increased knowledge by 65.85, higher than before learning. 3) The satisfaction of the 2nd grade students by using the CIRC cooperative learning group activities of the Thai language subject group, 2nd grade students was at a high level ( = 2.63).
Conclusion: The development of collaborative learning activities using CIRC techniques with exercises can effectively develop reading skills of grade 2 students and can also be applied to develop students at higher levels.
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