Presentation Format of Health-Related Content for the Elderly People by Social Media Influencers


  • Peeranut Lertpongadisorn Chiangmai University
  • Narin Namjarien Chiangmai University


Influencer Elderly people, Health communication, Diseases in the elderly, Presentation format


Background and Aims: The aging population is rapidly increasing worldwide, particularly in developed and developing countries. This trend has led to growing demand for products and services tailored to seniors, such as health products, tourism, real estate, and home care. Additionally, older adults are increasingly using social media, creating opportunities for influencer marketing that emphasizes credibility and valuable content, especially in the health sector. Understanding the behaviors and needs of seniors is crucial for designing effective communication strategies that resonate with this demographic.The research aims to study the presentation format of health-related information for the elderly influenced by opinion leaders.

Methodology: This study adopts a qualitative research methodology. The data collection involves coding sheets to analyze presentation formats. Multistage cluster sampling was employed, dividing the influencer sample into four groups: two groups of 3 individuals each, consisting of micro-influencers and macro-influencers.

Results: The study found that Samples employ various presentation styles and techniques. Those who adopt a soft sell approach prioritize providing health-related information, while those using a hard sell approach focus on product or service pricing information. Content nature varies, with longer narratives aimed at enhancing understanding and shorter content for quick comprehension.

Conclusion: This study reveals that influencers strategically present informational content to promote health benefits for the elderly, leveraging credible sources to enhance the reliability of their messages. They provide comprehensive details, including contact information, product descriptions, and pricing, ensuring transparency and accessibility. Additionally, influencers employ reasoned persuasion to explain disease causes or preventive measures, effectively building trust through social proof. Emotional appeals are also utilized to engage the audience on a deeper, more relatable level. These findings highlight the multifaceted communication strategies influencers use to influence health behaviors among the elderly population.


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How to Cite

Lertpongadisorn, P. ., & Namjarien, N. (2025). Presentation Format of Health-Related Content for the Elderly People by Social Media Influencers . Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 12(1), 79–92. retrieved from



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