The development of analytical thinking ability and summarization writing ability of grade 6 students using crystal based learning with info graphic


  • Patsinee Siritawee-at Khon Kaen university
  • Montha Chumsukon Khon Kaen University


Analytical thinking ability, Summarization writing ability, Crystal based learning, Info graphic


The purpose of this study were to 1)develop analytical thinking ability by using crystal based learning with info graphic 2)develop the summarization writing ability by using crystal based learning with info graphic Social studies subjects of grade 6 students. This research is an action research.

The participants of this study were 12 sixth grade students from a school in Khonkean province, Northeast of Thailand. The instruments used in this study were

1) Research instruments include learning process as lesson plans 2) Research instruments include reflect lesson plans were learning records and classroom observation records. 3) Research instruments used to evaluate research results include analytical thinking ability and summarization writing ability test. Analyze quantitative data by using basic statistical data such as averages and percentages

The research was found that 1) The development of thinking ability by using crystal based learning with info graphic, nine students have passed the standard, and 75% of them have average critical thinking scores. 23.67% or 78.89% of the full score is higher than the specified standard.

2) The development of summarization writing ability by using crystal based learning with info graphic social studies subjects of grade 6 students nine students passed the prescribed standards, with 75% of them achieving an average writing ability score. 16.33% or 81.67% of the full score is higher than the specified standard.


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How to Cite

Siritawee-at, P., & Chumsukon , M. . (2023). The development of analytical thinking ability and summarization writing ability of grade 6 students using crystal based learning with info graphic. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 10(3), 425–436. retrieved from



Research Articles