The development of english communication skills by using total physical response technique For primary grade 4 students


  • Thitiyakorn Mongkhonkheha Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Jitraporn Wongkamjan Rajabhat Roi Et University


TPR teaching method, communication skills in English, listening and speaking skill,


The purpose of the research is to improve English communication ability by managing gesture-based learning, or TPR. An example group is primary grade 4 students at Ban Du School, Thawatchaburi district, Roi Et province, and this is action research. The tools used in research are: 1. Posture-responsive learning management plan 2. A measure of English communication ability. 3. The record reflects the learning outcomes. Statistics used in data analysis include: Mean, standard deviation, percentage, and Index of item objective congruence. The results showed that Ability to communicate in English After using gesture-based learning management Improved listening and speaking abilities which has clear results from taking the communication ability test A 70 percent pass rate is added to each practical cycle. And other data collected and analysed by the researcher.


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How to Cite

Mongkhonkheha, T., & Wongkamjan, J. . (2023). The development of english communication skills by using total physical response technique For primary grade 4 students. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 10(2), 579–592. retrieved from



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