Affecting Factors on the Choice of Pursuing a Bachelor's Degree Using Exploratory Factor Analysis


  • Boskorn Santisirikul Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university
  • Tharach Arreerard Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university
  • Worapapha Arreerard Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university


Exploratory Component Analysis, tudy Selection Factor, Confirmatory Component Analysis, Rajabhat University


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the factors affecting the choice of studying at the bachelor's degree in Rajabhat University, 2) to analyze the criteria of factors affecting the choice of studying at the bachelor's degree in Rajabhat University. Rajabhat University and 3) to build a measurement model of criteria and to find variables affecting the selection of bachelor's degree studies. Rajabhat University by using confirmatory component analysis method The target group is 1st year undergraduate students of the Northeastern Cluster Rajabhat University in the academic year 2022, totaling 944 people. The research tool was a questionnaire 50 items. The statistics used were mean, standard deviation. Exploratory Exploratory Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The research findings were as follows: 1) Factors affecting the choice of studying in bachelor's degree, university Rajabhat consists of 7 components: psychological, social, product. service building and location Public relations and marketing promotion and personnel in all issues. Rajabhat University by using the exploratory component analysis method. It was found that all 50 questionnaires covered all 7 factors with a common correlation between 0.467 to 0.903 and the confidence value of the whole questionnaire was at a high level of confidence 0.927, and the confidence of each factor is at an acceptable level were in the range of .912 to .959 and 3) the measurement model of the criteria and determining the factors affecting the selection of undergraduate studies. Rajabhat University by using the confirmatory component analysis method, it was found that the model was consistent with the empirical data from the 50 questions, with the highest component weight in 9 items


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How to Cite

Santisirikul , B. ., Arreerard, T. ., & Arreerard, W. (2023). Affecting Factors on the Choice of Pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree Using Exploratory Factor Analysis. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 10(3), 549–566. retrieved from



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