The development of english speaking ability and self-esteem for grade 10 students using Task-based learning with social media


  • Jutamas Ninlawan Khon Kaen University
  • Prin tanunchaibutra Khon Kaen University


English speaking ability , Self-esteem , Task-based learning


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop English speaking proficiency of grade 10 students through the instructional model using task-based learning with social media to achieve the average score of not less than 70 percent and the number of students passing the criteria 70 percent or more, 2) to develop self-esteem of grade 10 students through the instructional model using  task-based learning with social media to meet the criteria that 70 percent of students could earn self-esteem assessment at high level or higher. The target group was 20 grade 10 students at Photakpittayakhom School. This study was an action Research. The research instruments consisted of 1) lesson plans, 2) observation form of learning management behavior, 3) observation form of learning activities results, 4) English language proficiency measurement form at the end of each cycle, 5) Self-esteem Assessment, 6) English-speaking proficiency test. Quantitative data analysis was conducted by determining mean, standard deviation and percentage. Qualitative data analysis was conducted by content analysis. The results indicated as follows: 1) A mean score of English-speaking proficiency was 23.65, representing 78.83% of the total score, there were 16 students who passed the criteria, accounting for 80% of the total number of students, which was higher than the specified criteria. 2) Overall self-esteem of the sample was at a highest level with a mean of 4.71 and there were 15 students who passed the criteria, accounting for 75% of the total number of students, which was higher than the specified criteria.


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How to Cite

Ninlawan, J. ., & tanunchaibutra, P. . (2023). The development of english speaking ability and self-esteem for grade 10 students using Task-based learning with social media. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 10(2), 365–376. retrieved from



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