Colombia: The Important Model for the Political Decentralization in Latin America


  • Chaowarit Chaowsangrat Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin


Decentralization, Colombia, Latin America


          Colombia ranks as the third most populous Latin American country next to Brazil and Mexico and the fourth-largest Latin American economy next to Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. The country has been struggling with economic uncertainty ever since El Libertador, Simón Bolívar, in 1810, entered upon a revolutionary war, declaring independence from the Spanish Empire. (Earle, 2000, 25)[1]. However, Colombia recently succeed in the political decentralization than reduced the violence in the country. Colombia’s democratization based on a ‘power-sharing’ approach to reconcile political organizations and groups to participate in formal politics as conflict resolutions.




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How to Cite

Chaowsangrat , C. . (2022). Colombia: The Important Model for the Political Decentralization in Latin America . Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 9(1), 261–274. retrieved from



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