An empirical research of factors influencing of perceived service quality, corporate image, and customer satisfaction on customers’ intention to revisit the plastic surgery clinic in Chonburi, Thailand


  • Pichansak Bunmas Master of Business Administration, Graduate School of Business, Assumption University, Bangkok


Intentions to revisit, Corporate image, Customer satisfaction, Perceived service quality, Plastic surgery


The main aim of this study to investigate the significant factors of perceived service quality that have influence on intentions to revisit, corporate image, and customer satisfaction of the patients toward the plastic surgery clinic in Chonburi, Thailand. A total of 400 questionnaires was distributed to the plastic surgery patients who had experience of treatment at plastic surgery clinic in Chonburi, Thailand. The researchers analyzed the data by using descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. For inferential analysis, the researchers design to test all hypotheses by using Simple Linear Regression Analysis. The result showed that service quality in term of doctor concern, convenience of the care process, and tangibles were statistical significance on corporate image of plastic surgery clinic, intention to revisit and customer satisfaction towards plastic surgery clinic. However, service quality in term staff concern is not statistical significance on corporate image of plastic surgery clinic, intention to revisit and customer satisfaction towards plastic surgery clinic. Moreover, perceived service quality, and customer satisfaction were statistical significant on intention to revisit towards plastic surgery clinic. However, corporate image was not statistical significance on intention to revisit towards plastic surgery clinic.



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How to Cite

Bunmas, P. . (2020). An empirical research of factors influencing of perceived service quality, corporate image, and customer satisfaction on customers’ intention to revisit the plastic surgery clinic in Chonburi, Thailand. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 7(2), 41–58. retrieved from



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