The Influence of Entrepreneurial Bricolage on Growth Performance of New Ventures in Dynamic Environment Based on Ambidextrous Learning


  • Manothong Vongsay Ph.D. Student from Laos PDR. Business School of Hohai University


growth performance of new ventures; entrepreneurial bricolage; ambidextrous learning balance; a dynamic environment


 Entrepreneurial bricolage provides a new theoretical perspective for resource-poor firms to improve organizational performance. However, the mechanism of how entrepreneurial bricolage to influence the growth performance of new ventures is unclear. Based on the perspective of ambidextrous learning, this paper attempts to build an integrated model of entrepreneurial bricolage, ambidextrous learning balance, dynamic environment and the growth performance of new ventures. Using 193 Chinese companies as a research sample to test our hypothesis, we found that entrepreneurial bricolage has a significantly positive impact on the growth performance of new ventures, and ambidextrous learning balance partially mediates this relationship, and high dynamic environment augments this effect.



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How to Cite

Vongsay, M. . (2020). The Influence of Entrepreneurial Bricolage on Growth Performance of New Ventures in Dynamic Environment Based on Ambidextrous Learning. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 7(2), 27–40. retrieved from



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