Competitive Competency for Sustainable Organization of Automotive Services Entrepreneurs in Thailand


  • Pacharaphong Pangpriree มหาวิทยาลัยชินวัตร
  • Naris Penpokai


Competitive Capability, Sustainable Organization, Automotive Services Entrepreneurs


The objectives of the research were 1) To study the composition of service quality factors. Entrepreneurial skills, Performance of working, Service Innovation, and Ability to compete with sustainability organizations 2) To study the relationships between factors that influence each other of service quality factors Entrepreneurial skills Performance of working, Service Innovation, and Competitiveness towards sustainability organizations. 3) To study the model of factors of competitiveness towards sustainability organizations. By conducting research in both quantitative and qualitative which quantitative is a simple sampling. The sample consisted of 480 supervisor level supervisors of automobile service centers in Thailand. The research tool was a questionnaire consisting of general questions and questions relating to initial variables. Which is an approximate scale pass the content accuracy test and confidence, and analyzed the data by using multiple regression analysis techniques for qualitative Use in-depth surveys In order to collect data from 9 automobile service center operators in order to study ways to improve the competitiveness of the organization of the sustainability of automobile service center operators in Thailand

The result of the research showed that model of Structural Equation factors were that influence the competitiveness of the organization of sustainability of automobile service center operators in Thailand. There were the model consistency index in harmony with the empirical data which can be considered at c2 = 247.36, df = 215, c2 / df = 1.151, P-value = 0.064, RMSEA = 0.018, GFI = 0.962, AGFI = 0.938 and the results of the structural equation model analysis on path influences affecting direct influence Performance Service Quality and Entrepreneurial skills effected directly influence the Service Innovation Statistical significance with the direct influence path coefficient equal to 0.581 ** 0.186 ** and 0.184 ** respectively and the Performance Service Quality, Entrepreneurial Skills effected indirectly influence through Service Innovation to Competitiveness towards a sustainable organization statistical significance with path coefficient of indirect influence is 0.158 ** 0.051 * and 0.050 * respectively. And the Performance Service Quality, Service Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Skills effected directly influence the ability to compete with sustainability organizations. With the direct influence coefficient equal to 0.357 ** 0.285 ** 0.271 ** and 0.093 * respectively. For guidelines for the development of competitiveness towards sustainability organizations, entrepreneurs provide guidelines for development that has to be given importance on Service Quality Enthusiasm of the area, having planning skills and targeting continuous learning Marketing Ability. Entrepreneurs must have patience, trying to strive for the organization to success. Attaching importance to the evaluation of the employees' job performance in changing positions at higher positions. Creating work motivation so that employees are willing to provide services to customers. Providing ongoing training for employees on the use of technology. The technology to be conveniently used with existing service methods more suitable in order to increase the efficiency and service potential. In summary, entrepreneurs agree that every variable is important to the competitiveness of the organization's sustainability of automobile service center operators in Thailand.



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How to Cite

Pangpriree, P., & Penpokai, N. (2020). Competitive Competency for Sustainable Organization of Automotive Services Entrepreneurs in Thailand. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 7(2), 227–248. retrieved from



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