Development of Chemistry learning and solving problem ability by conductivity 5E with STAD technique activity of Muttayomseuksa 5


  • saranya Rueangwiset มหาบัณฑิต คณะครุศาสตร์มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏมหาสารคาม
  • Thanyaluc Khechornphak
  • Wanida Pharanat


inquiry activity 5E with STAD techniques, Achievement, Ability to think and solve Problems, Satisfaction


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop learning activities in chemistry. And the problem solving ability by using 5E inquiry learning activities together with STAD technique of mathayom suksa five students with efficiency according to 70/70 criteria. 2) Comparison of academic achievement. Using 5E inquiry learning activities together with STAD techniques with 70 % of the criteria. 3) Comparison of problem-solving ability By using 5E inquiry learning activities together with STAD techniques and                4) studying student satisfaction. Toward the learning activity management by using the inquiry learning activities. 5E with technical STAD samples. Use in research Mathayom Suksa 5 students , research tools , 1) learning management plan, 2) learning achievement test, 3) problem solving ability test, and                      4) satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used were mean, deviation. standard percentage and hypothesis testing by t-test (dependent sample).

Research results 1) The development of chemistry achievement And the ability to solve problems by using 5E inquiry learning activities together with STAD techniques with the effectiveness of 71.94 / 71.62 according to the specified criteria. 2) The achievement of The students who learned by using 5E inquiry learning activities together with the STAD technique after learning were higher than the criteria of 70 percent with statistical significance at the .05 level. 3) The problem solving ability of students by using learning activities. Knowing Quizzes 5E with STAD Techniques After Studying Higher Than Before With statistical significance at the level of .05 and 4) student satisfaction By using the 5E inquiry learning activity together with STAD technique , the overall average is 4.42 which is in the high level.              



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How to Cite

Rueangwiset, saranya, Khechornphak, T. ., & Pharanat, W. . (2020). Development of Chemistry learning and solving problem ability by conductivity 5E with STAD technique activity of Muttayomseuksa 5. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 7(2), 347–362. retrieved from



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